2021 Parsons Trophy and Jackson Cup Pairs
Date: 8 – 11 April
Although the entries for the club championship pairs were lower than usual for obvious reasons the competitions both featured games of high quality and drama. The highlight of the first round in the Parsons (Mens) pairs was the comeback of Adrian Davis and John Burgess from 10-1 down against John Fitzgerald and Chris Ewer to win 22-13. Particularly remarkable as neither John nor Adrian have played much this year at all. They went on to overpower Trevor Moore and Colin Rowling in the semi 24-7 to set up a clash with Brian Thompson and Martin Harris who led throughout in semi against Ken Richardson and Nigel Rushton to win 19-15. However, it was not to be for Adrian and John in the final as Brian and Martin played a very strong game of complimentary pairs bowling each contributing excellent woods when needed. Brian and Martin dominated the game to win 18-9 and were very worthy winners of the trophy.
ALBC Jacksons Prs 2021 Tournament Scorecard
ALBC Parsons Prs 2021 Tournament Scorecard
Well done to everyone nice to see the pictures and the speeches