2011 November Monthly Report
The winter season well and truly began this month with most members returning from UK, together with our usual amount of regular visiting members and to date fifthteen new members enjoying the last games to be played on grass.
Work started 28th November digging Green 2 up in preparation for the new carpet which should be ready for mid to the end of January. Please be patient for this period using Green 1 which is not good, but it is all we have at the moment. I am sure most of you will agree that it will be worth it to play on a surface that we are able to trust. Can I take this opportunity to thank Les Pratchett and Jim Pike over the last couple of years and in the past Terry Rodgers and Joe Pemberton for the dedication and hard work keeping these greens in a playable state to allow us to enjoy what we are here for, playing bowls. We also must thank them for the huge amount of extra work in getting the rinks prepared for roll ups and competitions etc. which was not included in their wages. This will not however stop Jim and Les, but from now on please assist when you arrive and be prepared to get the rinks ready before the events.
The CALB 11 a Side competition with teams from Almeria, Indalo and Cabrera was well supported this year. To date the last of the six competitions in this year’s CALB 11 a Side. takes place on 6th December. Our ABC team led by Colin Wright are top of their Blue Group and Jim Pikes group ABC2 are looking good in the Red Group if they can get a result against Indalo for a place in the Final on the 13th December
The first ALBC club competition of the month on the 7th, 14th and 15th was the Joe McCraw Two Wood singles which was very well supported. This is played as the title suggests with two woods and only the winning shots within one metre count. Chris Ewer was the winner after an epic duel with John Fitzgerald.
This was followed by the Arthur Pinn Drawn Pairs played on Monday 14th and 18th. .Once again the support for this competition was very good with thirty-two members going into the draw. Throughout the competition the quality of bowls played were excellent. The scene was set for the unpredictable final between Colin Wright partnered by Roy Tonkin playing against Les Pratchett and Graham Deykin. Unfortunately Graham and Les were unable to produce the standard set in the earlier rounds allowing Colin and Roy to cruise home.
The Palace Cup Handicap Singles unfortunately was cancelled due to the unpredictable weather and the work starting of the new carpet.
The Wednesday Triples League and Frank Sharpe Drawn Fours are going well.
The first Ladies Charity Triples after a mix up with fixture dates was played away on the 25th November against Cabrera B.C. Our ladies gave an impressive show winning four of the five games played, giving their spectating partners an entertaining afternoon
The Cabrera Invitation Fours took place on 17 & 18th when Dave and Shelagh Allen with their friends Jane and Bryan Franklin were narrowly beaten by the Cabrera Four, Ian and Janice .Brewster, Paul and Judy Abel. In fourth place were Graham and Cath Patrick, Thelma Gamble, John Fitzgerald. Well done to our members.
On the 1st of December the AGM will take place after the roll up and trust it will be attended well. Our Christmas Dance and Presentation of competition prizes will take place on Thursday 8th December. Although transport was arranged for those living off the campsite and numbers were quite good, it is disappointing that there are not a lot more members and guests attending. Whilst writing I trust those members who are competition winners and not attending, ask someone to collect their prizes and photographs. This year I have displayed in the clubhouse only the winners of club and other competitions. You will find on our website all full report of competition and photographs together with the progress photographs of our new carpet. www.bowlingalmeria.com
As there will only be a brief report for December Joan and I take this opportunity to wish all members a very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year
Vic Parsons – ALBC Press