2011 Millennium Trophy
This Millennium Drawn Club Triples is another change of this competition replacing the original, ‘Millennium Invitation Rinks’ when three teams of ‘Fours’ were invited from all of our local bowling clubs to play a one day round -robin format competition.
In the year 2000 when the Competition began, clubs were a lot less populated and reasonably easy to implement without upsetting other members who weren’t invited as one of the three teams. Times have also changed in as much local clubs have developed different in house fixtures of their own. We unfortunately have lost one of our clubs, La Mata B.C. This was the opportunity to include the fixture for our members only.
In 2010 we tried playing open triples of any gender. This year because of the intense fixture program with the new CALB disciplines and not knowing how many members would be available due to Snowbirds returning to UK, we tried a drawn triples round-robin event. A decision will be made in due course whether this competition will continue in this way.
Friday 1st April twelve drawn teams competed in three games of ten ends in a round-robin competition. Points were given for winning each end won and for winning the game. A fee was paid on entry and then all monies collected, awarded in prizes for the first three teams who scored the most points. If scores were equal, shot difference would apply.
The competition began on time with the first of ten end games played in glorious sunshine. When after lunch the last game of ten ends was played, the competition winners could have been anyone.
The clear winners, with 28 points and a prize of 60 Euro were Catherine Patrick,Wayne Roberts and Peggy Pinn. Second with 26 points and 45 Euro were Harry Dodds, Rod Digweed and Lyn Burgess. Third place was decided by shot difference with 24 points between Alan Deacon, Terry Rodgers and Graham Deykin and Thelma Gamble, Joan Parsons and Rona Hendry. The latter took the prize of 30 Euro.
Prize giving took place on completion of the competition outside on the bar and restaurant patio when it was very obvious that most of those taking part thoroughly enjoyed the day. Photographs were taken of all winners and will be found with this report on our website www.bowlingalmeria.com
Vic Parsons mmmmm
ALBC Press Officer and Vice Chairman