2014 Addition Rules
Competition Dates:
21st, 22nd and 23rd February 2014
Almeria Bowling Club
5 Euros Per Person
In addition to the FAB General Rules and Conditions of Play (See separate document) the following will apply
1. All entrants must hold a minimum of the 2014 F.A.B. 18.00€ license. Members holding the full F.E.B. license are also eligible.
2. All members of each team must belong to the same club.
3. Teams can be of any combination.
4. This is a knock-out competition.
5. Rinks will be drawn prior to the commencement of each session.
6. Two trial ends are allowed before the commencement of each match.
7. All entries should be emailed directly to the Competition Secretary by each club prior to the closing date of the competition. (See separate Entry Sheets). Entries not received by the closing date will not be included in the draw.
David Ebdon
F.A.B. Competition Secretary
2nd January 2014
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