Booklet Spare
NOTE: You will find most of the information about Almeria Bowling Club contained below. Many thanks for work Sue Mannall carried out on the original club’s booklet. This was followed by a comprehensive update over the past months by Stuart Beetham.These ‘Booklets’ are now completed and available in the clubhouse.
I have adapted the web version of the ‘Booklet’ as a permanent reference for all current and new members.
Click this Link The Booklet for information in a pdf format that you can easily print.
To help you make an informed decision???
When you have decided this is for you please look at our membership fees further down the Information pages and compare them with golf club fees. Your first contact is John Fitzgerald on (+34) 634 314 564
Situated at
‘Camping Los Gallardos‘
Near exit 525km off the Autovia E19/N340 near Los Gallardos pueblo with “MIRAFLORES” Bar / Restaurant Providing refreshments and a full Quality Catering Service.(Open every day from Breakfast till late)
Hosted by Chairman and Secretary
Anthony & Shirley Jackson Tel: 679 970399
Anthony Jackson Shirley Jackson
All Club information can be found on our website:
Fixtures, Competitions, Results, Monthly Club Reports
Member Contact Details and many photographs.
ABC’s Webmaster– Vic Parsons is always happy to
To receive contributions and additional information
to add to our web pages. Email:
So please visit us online and keep up to date !
ABC Committee Members
Captain – Colin Wright Vice Chairman – Vic Parsons & Competition Secretary
Vice Captain – John Fitzgerald Ladies Captain – Eileen Phoenix
Treasurer – Chris Ewer Fixure Secretary – Stuart Beetham
Social Secretary – Sandra Brown Green Steward – Jim Pike
Membership Fees 2014
Couple | Single | |
Full Member(12 Months) | 380€ | 220€ |
6 Months | 305€ | 180€ |
5 Months | 280€ | 165€ |
4 Months | 235€ | 140€ |
3 Months | 205€ | 110€ |
2 Months | 150€ | 85€ |
1 Month | 76€ | 48€ |
1 Week | 25€ | 17€ |
1 Day | 12€ | 7€ |
Weekends Only12 Months | 120€ | 70€ |
Almeria Bowls Club Membership also entitles our bowlers to enjoy full use of the Los Gallardos Leisure Site´s “chlorine-free” swimming pool, and to the issue of their very own Los Gallardos Leisure ** “CLUBCARD” **The Los Gallardos Leisure Clubcard is a loyalty rewards programme that gives you the chance to accumulate rewards points every time you spend money at Camping Los Gallardos or Miraflores Bar & Restaurant. These points can then be exchanged for great gifts, rewards, local services, or even discounts off future purchases.
All about Almeria Bowls Club
The Clubhouse -New Members are given a warm welcome to ALBC, and will be given a short but comprehensive explanation of the clubhouse… A “participation” entry name tag is provided for each new member, and the various information notice boards will be explained, showing the Club and Regional Fixtures Calendars, competition dates, times, rules, entry forms and results etc. Club Days – or “Roll Ups” take place each Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday mornings commencing at 10:00 a.m. (put name tags in by 9:45 latest)
A.B.C the story so far….. Almeria Bowling Club is known as the “friendly club”, and for good reason! As one of the largest clubs in the area, our members are firmly committed to enjoying themselves and their new lives in Spain via the happily addictive medium of bowls. As part of the large Camping Los Gallardos mobile home park and campsite (, the Bowls Club members enjoy all the facilities of the site complex, including a large salt water swimming pool, and one of the largest bars & restaurants in the area, with a thriving social scene open to everyone, all year long.
Los Gallardos Leisure was founded in 1991 by the Jackson family and quickly grew to become the largest mobile home park and campsite in Spain. In 1995 they started to lay the first grass bowling green and in 1996 founded the Almeria Lawn Bowling Centre. The centre quickly added a second grass green to accommodate the demand from members. In 2011 the decision was taken to change to an eight rink carpet green, and this is the current playing surface today.
The club plays host to many international and expat bowlers throughout the year, and new members are always welcome. We always love introducing the area to U.K. Clubs who want to come over and play, so bowlers from across the world know they will always find a friendly welcome here in Almeria!
A.L.B.C. Fixtures Calendar
Throughout the year ALBC host many visiting teams from Spain, The U.K., France and beyond. We also participate in the competitions of most of our neighbouring clubs But it´s worth looking out for the following annual Competitions on the full A.L.B.C. Fixtures Calendar:-
*Arthur Pinn Shield – Drawn Pairs Knockout
*Handicap Triples
*Palace Cup – Handicap Singles
*Dyer & Appleby Vase – Mens & Ladies Singles
*Parsons & Jacksons Trophy – Mens & Ladies Pairs
*ALBC Trophy – Drawn Triples Knockout
* ALBC Trophy (Scottsdale) – Drawn Fours Knockout
*Eleanor McCraw Cup (Summer) – Drawn Pairs
*Reliant Trophy ( Summer)– Drawn Triples
*Non-Winners Cup – Singles *Joe McCraw – Singles (1 metre stick)
*Avalon Cup – Drawn Fours
* Palace Cup Drawn Pairs
*Iberian Challenge Cup – Open 3-2-1
*Inaugural Cup Open Mixed Pairs
*Millennium Cup – Open Mixed Triples
Plus many more “Specials” events throughout the year
Stan Brisco ColinWright Instructor & Umpire Umpire
Sandra Bain John Fitzgerald Instructor & Marker Instructor
Vic Parsons Stuart Beetham Marker Marker
Rona Hendry Sandra Brown Marker Marker
Terry Rogers
The Etiquette of Bowls
* Make sure you are clear about the rules of bowls in general, and pertaining to your specific game?
* Always dress correctly for the occasion, and be on time!
* Stand still when any another player is on the mat… and remain behind the mat, out of the line of sight of the player about to bowl.
* Do not chatter or make a noise until the players bowl has been released, and always remember the player on the mat retains possession of the mat until their bowl comes to rest.
* When not participating in the game, be aware of any game in progress…. either stand still, or move quickly out of the line of sight of any player about to bowl!
* Remain still at the head when a bowl is about to be delivered * Keep to your own rink of play!…. do not stray out of your rink and distract bowlers on adjacent rinks.
* When changing ends, do so briskly, but always keep to the centre of your own rink and do not set off so quickly as to prevent the last bowler from watching their bowl come to rest.
* Be aware of your shadow, do not let it fall on the jack or in front of a bowler about to deliver their bowl.
* Ensure you never obscure the rink markers, boundary pegs, numbers etc. Most bowlers use these as reference points when bowling.
* Never openly criticise either your opponents or your own team, rather try to be positive and encouraging. Remember, no-one ever bowls badly on purpose!
* Pay keen attention to your game at all times and be ready to bowl when it´s your turn, and leave serious conversation and socialising until after the game. When playing singles or skip, remember to pick up the mat after your opponent has played the last bowl of the end.
* Compliment your opponent for a shot well played….
* Offer a “bad luck” on occasions when a well tried shot didn´t quite come off? * Accept both your own and your opponents good luck with equal good grace, and never clap or cheer when your opponent fails with an end saving effort?
* Always congratulate and shake the hand of your opponent/s after the game, and it´s customary to offer your opponent/s refreshment at the end of a match. * Help to clear away the equipment after the game!