2014 ALBC Christmas Party

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732 Responses

  1. Terry and Nina Rhodes says:

    Thankyou for all the photos they were great and we had a really good time that day

  2. Brenda Lincoln and Harry says:

    Thanks for the photos Vic. We had a really good day, lots of laughs, good food and even the weather cooperated!
    Brenda & Harry

  3. Shelagh and Dave Allen says:

    Great Day and wonderful food we both really enjoyed it.
    Well done to all the people who made it go so well.
    She and Dave

  4. Many thanks Vic, Keep up the good work x

  5. Ken & Ruth Richardson says:

    Once again a great day which wr both really enjoyed, and anothet great report and super picturrs


    Ken & Ruth

  6. Janice & Stuart says:

    We both enjoyed a lovely fun day with good friends, good food, and thinking of those who couldn’t be with us because they are still in Granada hospital.


    Janice & Stuart

  7. john and Lin Burgess says:

    Hi Vic, just been looking at the photos of the xmas fun day and presentation, very good, and it was a great day for us to join in with, well done to all the organisers.

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