2011 Summer Hong Kong Pairs – Players Final Total Score
Group A Matches Played Points Scored Shot Difference Total Points Total Shot Difference Position A. EEDLE C. EEDLE 7 2 31 10 88 1 B. RUSCOE A. RUSCOE 6+1 0 -8 10 52 2...
Group A Matches Played Points Scored Shot Difference Total Points Total Shot Difference Position A. EEDLE C. EEDLE 7 2 31 10 88 1 B. RUSCOE A. RUSCOE 6+1 0 -8 10 52 2...
The Semi-final and finals of the above competition were played on a most glorious day on Sunday the 26.06.11 at Indalo LBC. The semi-finalists were from the Almeria LBC and the Indalo LBC In...
Group A Matches Played Points Scored Shot Difference Total Points Total Shot Difference Position B. RUSCOE A. RUSCOE 5+1 2 34 10 60 1 B. DAVIES A. MUIR 5 2 16 10 55 2...
Recently whilst playing bowls at Almeria bowling Club I was surprised to see this spritely visitor I had met several years before, still playing good bowls. I knew he was getting on a bit...
This will be your last monthly report until the start of this autumn/winter/spring season, but will of course keep you up to date on the website www.bowlingalmeria.com during the summer months of what is...
Team No. Team Players Group Club Contact No. 1 D Hall + D Jenkins C Cabrera 950398783 2 L Swaine + C Ivin C Cabrera 630673301 3 D Saunders + B Saunders A Cabrera...
ALMERIA LAWN BOWLS CLUB – FIXTURES 2012 (Currently based on 2011 dates all tbc) 2012 Jan 1 Sun 1100 ABC Club Special TBA Jan 4 Wed 1400 CALB Wed Triples League Inter...
Sept 5 Mon 1730 ABC Eleanor McCraw Cup Final Sept 7 Wed 1730 ABC Reliant Trophy Final Sept 26 Mon 1030 Visitors Personal Touch – Ann Savory 7 rinks + 2 players – Jean...