2011 Wednesday League Results
Team Matches Played Points Scored Shot Difference Total Points Total Shot Difference 1 INDALO MUSKETEERS 10 8 +26 82 +287 2 CABRERA BARCELONA 10 10 +41 72 +137 3 INDALO VIKINGS 10 10...
Team Matches Played Points Scored Shot Difference Total Points Total Shot Difference 1 INDALO MUSKETEERS 10 8 +26 82 +287 2 CABRERA BARCELONA 10 10 +41 72 +137 3 INDALO VIKINGS 10 10...
The winter season well and truly began this month with most members returning from UK, together with our usual amount of regular visiting members and to date fifthteen new members enjoying the last games...
Red Group Shot Aggregate Shot Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Points Diff. Indalo 5 3 1 1 388 318 25 +70 Almeria2 5 2 2 1...